Inntopia + FreedomPay®
The Inntopia + FreedomPay integration is a tokenized gateway integration that works on both Inntopia CRS and Inntopia eComm sales channels. The integration requires Card Verification Digits (CVD) or Card Verification Value (CVV) capability and supports the use of Address Verification Service (AVS) and Kount Fraud Protection.

- The CRS integration uses the Direct to Freeway specification for tokenization, purchases, void, and refunds.
- The eComm integration uses the HPC solution to create a token, and then uses the Direct to Freeway specification for purchases.

Collection of Card Verification Digits (CVD) or Card Verification Value (CVV) code is required to use the FreedomPay + Inntopia integration.
To require merchants to collect CVV codes from customers for online credit card transactions, resellers who use the FreedomPay payment gateway must request that Inntopia activate fields for collecting and viewing this code in their CRS, eComm, and RMS systems.
To enable this feature for your Inntopia account, contact Inntopia Partner Services.
For information on selecting, or white listing, the CVV codes for which you want to allow or deny payments, consult the FreedomPay documentation.
Note: Prior to activating this feature in Inntopia, review the CVV options in your FreedomPay account to ensure CVV is being collected/validated in all of the scenarios that will give you and the guest the best experience.

Address Verification Service (AVS) is a part of credit card authorization that aids in preventing fraudulent online transactions by verifying the billing address submitted by a customer with the billing address on file with the credit card company. Once submitted, the credit card company replies to the payment gateway with a response code indicating whether or not the billing address, and subsequently card ownership, is verified as a match.
In the Inntopia + FreedomPay integration, AVS is supported through FreedomPay (rather than through an Inntopia setting).
For information on selecting, or white listing, the AVS codes for which you want to allow or deny payments, consult the FreedomPay documentation.

Kount AI-Driven Fraud Protection is an optional add-on to the Inntopia + FreedomPay integration. Once implemented, fraud protection checks occur post payment authorization.

To use this feature, Inntopia partners must secure the following:
- Kount contract
- Kount Merchant ID (MID)
- Kount API key
For information on fees and procedures associated with implementing Kount, contact Inntopia Partner Services.

- Partner works with FreedomPay to create a new account.
- Partner securely transmits the following FreedomPay account information to Inntopia, preferably over the phone:
- ES Key
- Merchant ID
- Terminal ID
- Sales Channel ID
- Desired go-live date
- Inntopia Partner Services enables the FreedomPay gateway for the requested online sales channel.
- Inntopia Implementation or Partner Services team works with Partner to conduct test bookings to facilitate card charges from the various sections where charges/refunds are enacted.
- Once testing is complete, Partner goes live on the integration.
Allow at least 10 working days to complete the setup/testing.

FreedomPay provides explanations of reason codes returned on unapproved credit card transactions.

For any technical support issues in production after completing your certification to the FreedomPay platform, contact the following: