Unit Rating System

Unit rating is a lodging-room only rating system. Ratings are assigned only within Inntopia CRS on a pre-determined scale, which can include ½-point increments. CRS/call center agents see the ratings as numeric in a Ratings column on search results. Online consumers see the ratings as a graphic file on search results. Online consumers can click on the ratings graphic to view a ratings key, which explains the rating system used for the property/unit.

Unit ratings are assigned at the product level; therefore, there can be a large range of unit ratings within a given property.

Rating information does not need to be added for online sales channels. Any unit rating applied to your main CRS account is automatically applied to your other sales channels. For example, you have ABC Hotel on your CRS list and online sales channel. You apply the unit rating to ABC Hotel only in your CRS; however, the rating information for ABC Hotel is automatically displayed to the online user in search results.

Unit ratings can only be applied to suppliers assigned to the CRS sales ID. If you have suppliers that belong to other sales channels and not the CRS, you must add them to the CRS, assign a rating, and then remove them from the CRS. The unit rating remains applied to the supplier upon removal from the CRS.