Pricing Families

Pricing family groups let users set different pricing tiers for activity and other non-lodging products that will also be sold within promotions, bundles, and when using YieldView. Each pricing tier within the group can be set up with its own inventory quantity. The Inntopia system automatically offers the lowest priced available item in the pricing tiers to the customer. When the lowest priced item in the pricing family for a given day is sold out, then the system offers the next available pricing tier to customers.

Pricing families must be set up with a leader, which is typically a Free-Sell product. Family members, typically inventoried products, are then added as members of the pricing family. Each family member represents a new pricing tier within the pricing family. Once the pricing family for a product has been set up and the link to the YieldView Calendar has been added to your website, customers can purchase products via the YieldView Calendar.

Pricing families may also be used with promotions and bundles. Just as in the YieldView Calendar, the least expensive available product from the product family is presented to customers viewing a promotion or bundle.