Customer Deposits Due Report

The Customer Deposits Due Report captures itinerary balances due as of a specific date. The default date is yesterday’s date. This report is static and contains information current only as of the selected date. It includes daily information for the past 30 days. Information prior to the past 30 days is only available at month's end.

  • The Customer Deposits Due Report is broken out into four sections: Itinerary Balances Due, Itinerary Credit and Refund Due Balances, Net Itinerary Deposits Due, and Itinerary Balances Due by Supplier.
  • This report is available upon request and requires setup by Inntopia staff. Only itineraries with a balance due or refundable are listed in the report. Itineraries with a zero balance due are excluded.
  • This report includes only information for reseller collects itineraries. No supplier collects itineraries will appear.
  • You can easily view and hide detailed balances by supplier in the Itinerary Balances Due and Itinerary Credit and Refund Due Balances sections of the report.
  • The itinerary numbers shown for each line item act as a link to the Customer Accounts Receivables page.

Note: Inntopia recommends running this report using Internet Explorer. Layout issues may occur with other browsers.