Supplier Payables Tax Exclusion (British Columbia, CA)

In July 2023, the provincial government of British Columbia, CA updated a tax law that now requires resellers to remit GST on their commission, and all PST and Municipal tax. Inntopia suppliers and resellers affected by this tax rule can have a feature enabled in their Inntopia system to exclude those taxes from their supplier payables.

  • This feature must be enabled by Inntopia staff per affected supplier.
  • Tax can be excluded from product-specific, product category, and company-level taxes.
  • The order of precedence for the tax exclusion is as follows:
    1. Product
    2. Product Category
    3. Company
  • Both resellers and suppliers must configure their systems to correctly exclude the tax.
  • A new tax set up to exclude tax automatically supersedes the existing tax upon the active date of the new tax.