Intelligence – Destination Explorer

The Destination Explorer is a series of interactive business intelligence charts used to analyze occupancy, room nights available, and room-nights-booked data submissions from participating properties. Charts show daily data for specific periods and provide a window into your current and future occupancy rates. DestiMetrics provides both historical data and on-the-books data for six months into the future allowing you to make appropriate staffing, marketing, and other strategic decisions.

Destination Explorer offers daily, monthly, and seasonal occupancy data for your destination and several options for viewing, parsing, and drilling into that data using the various tabs across the bottom of the screen:

  • Destination – Provides a visual representation of occupancy by date for your destination in the Daily Occupancy Report (DOR).
  • Explore – Examine and discover trends within your destination’s data.
  • Season View – Shows data for either Summer (May 1 – October 31) or Winter (November 1 – April 30).
  • Property – Examine and discover trends within your destination's individual properties' data.

Note: The historical data for all destinations goes back as far as January 1st, 2013, and some destinations go back even further. To determine how much historical data is available for your destination, contact your analyst.