Manage Vouchers: Inntopia RMS

You can use Inntopia to create a payment voucher that guests can use as proof of purchase of all products such as lodging, attractions, tours, or shuttles. Vouchers are printed by a guest or on-site reseller and can then be presented as proof of purchase, or redeemed, at the supplier location.

  • Vouchers can be accessed and printed by call center agents, online consumers, or on-site resellers who have access to a CRS, such as an attendant at a visitor’s center. Inntopia recommends setting up generic customer information that can be accessed quickly by on-site users for walk-in guests. The generic customer information appears in the Lead Name area of the voucher.
  • There is no limit to the number of times a voucher can be printed. To prevent the printing and redemption of multiple vouchers when only one has been paid for, Inntopia recommends defining a procedure for redeeming vouchers.
  • You can add, edit, delete, and copy vouchers for all products. You can also customize the voucher by adding a logo or editing default message text.
  • You can choose to set the voucher’s expiration date to a specific number of days (one or more) after the reservation begins, usually the check-in date.
  • To prevent vouchers from being printed and redeemed before they are paid for, Inntopia recommends setting a deposit schedule to collect 100% at the time of booking. This is also important to consider for products with vouchers sold to online consumers.
  • As long as the deposit schedule is set to collect 100% at the time of booking, an agent at an on-site venue such as a visitor center can immediately collect payment from the consumer.