Marketing Cloud User Training
You: You work in the marketing department and are responsible for querying lists and building email campaigns.
What You Need to Know: How to view customer profiles; Create a list (including AND/OR logic and inclusion/exclusion groups); View performance indicators.
Our Marketing Cloud courses are a great place to start. Once finished, you'll have a good understanding of some crucial basics such as customer lookup and viewing performance indicators as well as some of the more complicated features surrounding creating lists.
Our blog posts are a great source of additional information. Here are a few articles beneficial to your responsibilities to compliment your training:
- Marketing Cloud: Where Do I Build My Query…Insight or Acoustic? – Three questions to consider when choosing the tool in which to set up your query for generating a targeted list.
- Marketing Cloud: Guest Types and Traits 101 – Learn how Guest Types and Traits can help you build queries.
- Marketing Cloud: Building Queries Using the Events and Passes Tables – Understand the difference between the Events and Passes tables and when each one is the right table for your query.
- Quick Insights with List Builder Demographics – Learn how the Customer Demographics view provides a better understanding of the audience you’re creating before you sync these lists to your marketing channels and roll them into live campaigns.
Our tips are designed to give you a quick idea of something to try to make your marketing a little easier.
- Predict Open Rates Before Sending – Check out the open rate predictor tool before you next hit Send.
- Segment By Pass Usage – If you sell season passes, market to buyers based on their previous pass usage.
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