Inntopia + Agilysys Versa
The OTA/HTNG two-way integration between Inntopia’s Commerce platform and Agilysys Versa performs two main functions:
- Agilysys Versa sends availability (restrictions), rates, and inventory (ARI) to Inntopia RMS.
- Inntopia sends reservations, modifications, and cancellations (reservation delivery) to Agilysys Versa.

The integration supports the following:
- Batch processing of OTA-compliant reservation (Create, Modify, and Cancel)
- Availability
- Rack Rate
- Non-Rack Rates
- Inventory messages
Versa controls the frequency of availability, rate, and inventory updates to Inntopia. Reservation transmittal frequency is configurable and can be as frequent as every 15 seconds. You can also include the following information within the Special Instructions and/or Comments field on the Versa reservation:
- supplier notes;
- repeat guest information;
- customer requests (via CRS or online booking);
- package name;
- fees;
- insurance items;
- summary of non-lodging items by product category booked with the reservation; and
- any other non-lodging items booked with the reservation.
Inntopia maintains the reservation and room type code cross-references between the two systems. Once a reservation has been successfully transmitted to Versa, the integration is set up to "Acknowledge" the reservation. Inntopia can set up one or multiple email addresses to receive errors and warnings pertaining to the Versa integration.
To view successful bookings as well as manage and resubmit reservations that did not transmit, you can use the Remote System Reservations Report.

To determine the technical requirements for your specific set up needs, contact your Agilysis representative.

The initial setup of this integration requires steps by Agilysys and Inntopia. To request the Versa setup lead time and discuss whether they can implement this integration into your system, contact your Agilysys representative.
Inntopia requires a two-week lead time to perform the setup. To begin the implementation process with Inntopia:
- Submit an INNTERACT request that includes:
- Supplier IDs
- Sales Channel ID that will house the Remote System Reservations Report
- Partner Web Service URL and credentials (username and password from Agilysys)
- Client email address(es) where reservation and error messages will be delivered
- Rate code

The following Reservation, Rate, Availability, and Inventory data is passed between Inntopia and Versa:

- Arrival/Departure Date
- Travel Agent (including IATA)
- PMS Room Type Code
- PMS Rate Code – Inntopia sends the resamount.
Note: By default, the average daily rate is sent to Versa in the reservation message. To have the average nightly rate sent, contact Inntopia Partner Services to enable this feature.
- Total Reservation Amount
- Total Reservation Tax Amount
- Extra Person Information
- Company
- First Name, Last Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Country
- Phone
- Credit Card
- Inntopia Itinerary ID
The following are sent in the Comments field of the reservation message:
- Special requests entered by the guest
- Promotion Name
- Repeat Guest (Yes/No)
- Inntopia Promotion Cross Reference Code can be used to send a rate-plan code other than RACK to Versa with the reservation message.
- Sending of Net Rates to Versa is not supported.

- Room Type Code
- Rate Amount Start and End Dates
- Rate Plan Code
- Rate Amount
- Extra Person Charges

- Room Type Code
- Start and End Dates
- Close Out Flag
- Minimum Stay Requirement

- Room Type Code
- Start and End Dates
- Quantity Available

The existing integration cannot differentiate the same exact room type across multiple lodging suppliers. Versa does not have the concept of a supplier; therefore, each room type must be unique and suppliers cannot share the same room type (with no Supplier ID, the integration does not know where to send an update).

To view all reservations transmitted from Inntopia to Versa, refer to the Remote System Reservations Report. This report shows successfully booked reservations, as well as manages the reservations that failed to transmit. You have the option to "View Details" as to why a transmission failed, and also are provided the option to Submit a reservation to be transmitted again. The Submit button lets you queue the reservation to be re-sent once the issue preventing message transmission has been resolved. A developer request must be made for the CRS to access the report.

Below is a sample error message generated from the Versa web service client that sends reservations to Versa. In such cases, the partner is expected to investigate and take action using the Inntopia Remote System Reservations Report. The error message below was generated by Versa, so they should be contacted first in this scenario:

The following setup items MUST be configured for Inntopia suppliers using the integration:
- Inntopia supplier account(s) are required.
- Company tab in Inntopia RMS
- Taxes
- Products
- Photos (Company and Product)
- Product Cross-Reference Codes